List of products by brand BAUER

Two-piece helmet with automatic adjustment system, no tools with double toothed crown, integrated ear muffs and dual density foams. Model 2100 silver colored grille with a design for optimized vision, a density chin strap with sweat channels.
Helmet for the little ones. Two-piece housing and ring gear with automatic tool-free adjustment. Dual-density foams optimized for the play of the youngest. Adjusts to the following measurements: from 48 cm to 53.5 cm. Grate with J-Clips (lateral stops) adjustable in four positions and quick disarm buttons.
Helmet for the little ones. Two-piece housing and ring gear with automatic tool-free adjustment. Dual-density foams optimized for the play of the youngest. Adjusts to the following measurements: from 48 cm to 53.5 cm. Grate with J-Clips (lateral stops) adjustable in four positions and quick disarm buttons.
Showing 25-28 of 28 item(s)